FeelGooder Asks: What Are You Doing That You Never Expected?

Recently I saw an old colleague from overseas. After a few years in Australia, he’d left the company, and the country, to return home to the UK to be with his family.

That was a few years ago. He recently found himself out of work and, conveniently, an opportunity had opened up at the company we used to work for. Now he’s working for the old team again, but from his home country.

It’s funny how things work out: life is unpredictable. His return made me wonder:

What are you doing now that you never expected?

Many of us like to play down our own unpredictability, implying that our lives are dull and lack adventure. But I’ll bet you’re doing something right now that you’d never have expected.


Freelancing: my remote "office"

For me, it’s freelancing. I always thought I’d make a terrible freelancer—all that looking for work all the time, and having to manage clients. Bah! Who needed it when you could sit in a nice office, have the work fed to you, and get paid leave?

Freelancing was something to be done on the side, but not as a single source of income. No way.

Yet here I am, a self-supporting freelancer. How did that happen?

A combination of factors brought this about: restlessness, interest, dissatisfaction, and the appearance of gaps in aspects of my life that had previously been consistent. A number of small changes conspired until the best—if not only—way I could see to live the way I wanted to was to freelance.

The things that had put me off freelancing started to pale in comparison to the monotony of doing the same kind of work all the time. The challenges of job sourcing and client management provided a diversity of interaction that I loved. And then there was the freedom. Somehow, the thing I’d never expected to do seemed like a no-brainer.

What about you? What are you doing that you never expected?

About georgina

Georgina is a professional writer and editor, and Content Manager for FeelGooder.


  1. What did I never expect? To be working from home while my wife drives through traffic to go to her job every single day.

    I always thought it would be the exact opposite when I was younger. Funny how things work out.

    Working from home can be scary at times, but pushing through those beginning stages and finally seeing some light feels really good! Hopefully, both of us can work from home within a couple of years 🙂

  2. I live in Colorado! We moved from MN after years of longing for a change. There were always reasons (or excuses) for us not to move. But two years ago we did it. We moved to join Compassion International and be part of fighting poverty.

    The move was tough with both of our kids in high school, but even that has been good. Through tough times we grow, right?

    We love it here! Now I enjoy snowboarding in the Rockies! I’ve also started blogging about my long-time interest in fitness. It has been very fun!

    I never would have guessed it, any of it.

  3. i never expected to get sick, get depressed and end my corporate executive career in this way. but also did i not expect to rediscover my passion in writing, have the time to learn chinese calligraphy as a result and even start my own blog
    go with the flow…!

  4. I must say for me the last 10 years has been tough… I certainly never saw the death of my parents coming… for me even as a grown adult the impact was devastating … What I have learned and experienced has changed me and after losing my job last year…the cross road opened up a whole new world for me… I now blog and make jewelry… I thought (heehee) of course the jewelry was awesome… but it didn’t turn out the way at all… Although the jewelry rocks… it was the writing everyone seems to be enjoying… Who Knew that?…